Do you remember 1984? Not the Orwell novel, I mean the year. A lot happened that year. We hosted the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, NASA launched the shuttle Discovery… but, more importantly, I turned five and played on the YMCA little league soccer team. So which soccer star am I? Can you tell? You can click through to the larger size if you can’t see well enough. If you still can’t, and you give up, click here for a zoomed-in version. I’ll give you a hint: I’ve got the best socks and shorts on the team.
The above were pictures that I found as we were cleaning out some old files in preparation to move. Talk about a trip through the past! Number two is first grade. I no longer condone government schools, but if one absolutely had to, for some unavoidable reason, go to government school, I would recommend Mrs. Hudson (in red); probably the sweetest and kindest teacher that ever walked this earth. Under her tutelage primarily, I learned to read, and for a spell, I even liked math! As far as teachers are concerned, it was pretty much downhill from there (with a few notable exceptions).