Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. —Psalm 127:3, 4

Our sweet little Calvin Blair — Born October 25, 2009 A.D.

Our sweet little Calvin Blair — Born October 25, 2009 A.D.

In God’s providence and boundless kindness, we welcomed into this world our little son this Lord’s Day at 7:00 p.m. After a relatively short (10 hours), but intense labor, our firstborn made his entrance into this life, safe and healthy. Mama is also well and we are both praising the Lord for His goodness to us!

What’s in a name?

God has given my wife and me great unity in all things, and the selection of our son’s name was no exception. Very soon after discovering that we were to have a son, we had chosen the name Calvin Blair for him. Names are important to us for a number of reasons, and among those reasons is the fact that we desire to give our children names that will be significant. Calvin’s name is intended,  in part, to honor his paternal great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather, Fred Calvin Blair, Sr. and Jr., who, in turn, we believe to be named after the great Reformer, John Calvin, in whose honor also we name him, this being the five-hundredth year anniversary of his birth. We desire that little Calvin Blair would be a man who desires to honor both his father, as well as the generations that came before him, and one who would be zealous and actively engaged in the Reformation of our day.

Below are photographs of both his great-grandfather Fred Calvin Blair, Jr. (photo circa 1920) and his great-great-grandfather Fred Calvin Blair, Sr. (photo circa 1910). Below also are a few more snapshots of our little man. More are sure to come in the days ahead! Enjoy!

Calvin’s Great-Grandfather, Fred Calvin Blair, Jr. — Born October 20, 1913

Calvin’s Great-Grandfather, Fred Calvin Blair, Jr.
— Born October 20, 1913

Calvin's Great-Great-Grandfather, Fred Calvin Blair, Sr. — Born September 1, 1884

Calvin’s Great-Great-Grandfather, Fred Calvin Blair, Sr.
— Born September 1, 1884

Gathering together to announce Calvin's name to the Turley and Keen families

Gathering together to announce Calvin’s name to the Turley and Keen families

Papa and Calvin getting some much needed rest

Papa and Calvin getting some much needed rest

Mama enjoys the gift of her new son — a hard-won prize!

Mama enjoys the gift of her new son — a hard-won prize!