Pictured below is the exterior of the Pearl Stables where the Christian Film Academy is being held. This charming little building, over a hundred years old, has been beautifully renovated to accommodate groups such as ours. If I have my facts straight, we are only the second group to have used the building in its current renovated state. Also above, good friends of ours, Mr. Geoff Botkin and his son, my good friend, Isaac who gave an absolutely outstanding lecture this evening on animation. He played for the audience a film short that he and his siblings had created together. The subjects were legos which they were able to animate using Lightwave and Adobe Premiere. Everyone loved the film and the line to talk to Isaac was no less than three-deep for the rest of the evening!

Pearl Stables

Pearl Stables

CFA Speakers Geoff Botkin and his son Isaac

CFA Speakers Geoff Botkin and his son Isaac

Mr. Phillips and the CBC

Mr. Phillips and the CBC

Lastly, the best session of the day was no session at all. For nearly an hour, Mr. Phillips was interviewed by a film crew from Canada’s leading news station, the CBC. Like Britain’s BBC, the channel is apparently exceedingly liberal and listening to Mr. Phillips eloquently and with precision answer each of their very pointed questions was fantastic. They were fairly charitable though I thought, and I kept wondering what their inner reactions were to his completely unabashed responses. Who knows what they will end up doing with the film footage if they even air it, but even if they splice the footage and skew the message for the rest of Canada, the film crew was captive to an unadulterated, completely uncompromised Gospel message the likes of which I can hardly imagine they have ever heard before. Praise the Lord! May God water the seeds that have been planted in their hearts.