I had my sense of mortality very much heightened this morning on the way to work. My brother and I were in my Explorer together and it was raining. Thanks to the traffic, we were going only about fifty miles per hour in the fast lane. Very suddenly my car turned sharply to the right at a forty-five degree angle, headed into the next lane. I think at this point, the wheels were sliding sideways more than they were actually spinning forward. Before long we hit a Ford Expedition and started plowing it across the freeway into the right lane. Did I mention that the Expedition was towing a boat? As we continued to plow this poor fellow’s rig across the freeway, the boat and SUV started to envelope my car, one machine on either side of us. Now picture one Expedition, one Explorer and a speed boat, entangled with one another, sliding sideways down the 10.
Eventually, we succeeded in plowing him all the way into the right guardrail, where we finally came to rest, but not before severing his boat from his vehicle. Within just a few moments, the ambulance showed up, followed by the big fire truck you see in the picture. A few moments later, two officers showed up as well. The boat came to rest partly on the guardrail and partly in my window. Sam was riding shotgun and was showered with glass, as was I, but neither of us had so much as a scratch. How merciful is the Lord? As we were all sliding sideways down the freeway, I thought surely we were going to start flipping at any moment, in what I’m sure would have resulted in a big mess of cars and boat. Equally, if not more miraculous, is the fact that no one else hit us while we plowed across three lanes of the freeway. While we are fine, unfortunately, my car appears to be totaled.