“Then God said, ‘Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures…’ So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind… And God saw that it was good.” —Genesis 1:20,21

What an amazing age we live in where we can stand face-to-face with creatures from all over the world, beholding the unfathomable creative power of the Lord. Below are just a few photos from our time at the country’s premier aquarium in Gatlinburg.

Calvin stands just inches from sting rays, hammerhead sharks, octopus and more

Calvin stands just inches from sting rays, hammerhead sharks, octopus and more

We got to reach in and touch the passing rays—very fun! And yes, they were a bit slimy

We got to reach in and touch the passing rays—very fun! And yes, they were a bit slimy

Some of the most unusual and beautiful creatures God designed

Some of the most unusual and beautiful creatures God designed

This acrobat climbed vertically by pushing against two opposing walls—amazing!

This acrobat climbed vertically by pushing against two opposing walls—amazing!

This marked a milestone in my relationship with Calvin—he taught me the name of the Lion Fish

This marked a milestone in my relationship with Calvin—he taught me the name of the Lion Fish

These almost seem to be made of delicate lace

These almost seem to be made of delicate lace

Wonderfully creative—one of dozens of seahorses

Wonderfully creative—one of dozens of seahorses

An up-close-and-personal experience with the penguins

An up-close-and-personal experience with the penguins

Life-size replica of the jaws of Megalodon—perhaps a pre-Flood version of the Great White

Life-size replica of the jaws of Megalodon—perhaps a pre-Flood version of the Great White