If you’ve not yet read Vision Forum’s recently published book John Calvin: Man of the Millennium, you ought to find the time. It is invaluable as a historical guide to the life of Calvin as well as a very personal glimpse into the heart and mind of one of Christendom’s most brilliant and tireless soldiers from any era—born five hundred years ago today. Below is a small excerpt in which Calvin describes his encounter with William Farel and his ultimate decision to remain in Geneva despite his initial plans.

As the most direct route to Strasbourg, to which I then intended to retire, was blocked by the wars, I had resolved to pass quickly to Geneva without staying longer than a single night in that city. A person, Louis Du Tillet, who has now returned to the Papists, discovered me and made me known to others. Upon this, Farel, who burned with an extraordinary zeal to advance the gospel, immediately strained every nerve to detain me. After having learned that my heart was set upon devoting myself to private studies, for which I wished to keep myself free from other pursuits, and finding that he gained nothing by entreaties, he proceeded to utter an imprecation that God would curse my retirement and the tranquility of the studies which I sought, if I should withdraw and refuse assistance when the necessity was so urgent. By this imprecation I was so stricken with terror that I desisted from the journey which I had undertaken.

On a similar note, although we weren’t able to make it to Boston for the Reformation 500 event, we were honored that Melissa was able to create the costume for John Calvin himself worn by Mr. Marcus Serven during the Calvin vs. Darwin debate. Below is a comparison of the final product (a fine display of the sewing mastery of my wife) to the cover of John Calvin: Man of the Millennium. Enjoy.

Calvin comparison, side by side

Calvin comparison, side by side